Christian living

Living a life of a Godly testimony
On the grand scale of eternity, the time we live on earth can be likened to “a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” – James 4:14. And all that we do on earth may one day be summarized as a mere sentence on God’s wall of eternity. But how do you think your life and my life will be summarized on that day? If God was to condense everything down to a single sentence, how would it read? Makes you wonder isn’t it?
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Proving myself is exhausting Trying to be right all the time is exhausting Protecting myself from getting hurt is exhausting Being my own savior is exhausting Keeping a reputation is exhausting Pleasing everyone is exhausting Trying to earn love is exhausting Overthinking is exhausting Anger is exhausting Worrying, doubting, and fearing is exhausting Negative thoughts […]
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